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The New Type 2 Diabetes Treatment that Offers Hope and a Way Out


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True Health of Idaho - Diabetes - Thyroid - Alzheimers


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True Health of Idaho - Diabetes - Thyroid - Alzheimers



True Health of Idaho - Diabetes - Thyroid - Alzheimers

“I came in because I had diabetes, I was obese, and I had a lot of inflammation which was causing eczema on my arms and my legs. The eczema was getting totally out of control and it moved to almost everywhere in my body. We discovered that I have parasites, and that's made a huge difference. Apparently it can also be a part of the diabetes, which I hadn’t realized before. Now I am so much better. My skin is so much better. I have more energy. My diabetes is under control. We also worked on my thyroid and my hair has gotten thicker and curlier, it's also come in darker again.”

--Michele O.

How Do You Know If You’re Treating Type 2 Diabetes Successfully?

  • Does Your A1C Continue To Increase?
  • Are Your Blood Sugars Unstable?
  • Do You Continue To Gain Weight Despite Diet & Exercise?
  • Does Your Doctor Continue To Increase Your Drugs?
  • Does Your Quality of Life Continue To Decrease?
  • Are You Beginning To Experience Diabetic Complications?

The New Type 2 Diabetes Treatment that…

  • Restores Health
  • Normalizes Blood Sugar & A1C
  • Reduces & Eliminates The Need For Drugs & Insulin
  • Offers Hope & A Way Out
  • Reduces & Eliminates Risk Factors for Diabetic Complications
    & An Early Death

Our Easy Step-By-Step, Customized Approach Produces Real Results

“Life is beautiful! I'm a totally different person. I'm happy, I'm joyful, not depressed. I feel good. No pain. It's amazing! Before, I was in a cocoon for a very long time, way longer than what you should be. And then with Dr Redd's help I've been able to open up and become this beautiful butterfly that loves life, and is doing well. He's taught me that I am worth it. I am worth taking care of myself. I am so glad that he is my guide!”

--Rebecca S.

“My A1C has dropped so much I'm not taking any of my diabetic meds anymore. I'm not taking any of the statins that my primary physician had me on earlier. I have lost weight. I'm able to sleep longer. And I just feel overall that I'm a better person now.”

--Angie P.

“I had diabetes, I was obese, and I had a lot of inflammation which was causing eczema on my arms and my legs. We discovered that I have parasites, and that's made a huge difference. Now I am so much better. My skin is so much better. I have more energy. My diabetes is under control.”

--Michele O.

“I've been a diabetic for 16 years. So my goal was to try to find a better, healthy life and a better stable body, because my illness was not under control like it should be with the medications that I was being given. I knew I needed to make a change.”

--Joan Z

“My A1C has dropped from 8.4 to 6.1. I started being able to use my memory better, I am able to read books again and remember what I was reading. I have lost weight. I’m able to sleep longer. And I just feel overall that I’m a better person now. I know where I’m going, I’m driving again and so all these things have really helped me.”

--Angie P.

What makes The THI Health Solution so Different?…

The THI Health Solution is different because it shows Type 2 Diabetics what’s really causing their problems and provides each patient with a customized and personalized plan that restores health, normalizes blood sugar & A1C, while patients reduce and eliminate drugs and insulin injections.


The THI Health Solution provides an easy step-by-step plan of action that is based upon the most up to date science, research, and cutting edge clinical applications. Thousands of patients have defied the odds and recovered from diabetes using The THI Health Solution.


How do you access our healthcare team? The first step is to attend the next Free LIVE MASTERCLASS.

“I was a Type 2 Diabetic and I was very, very tired. I was depressed. I was unhappy. I was just a big mess. Now I've lost 30+ pounds since I started. I'm not tired all the time. I have energy. I feel good! My blood sugars are good. It is beautiful to see the A1C go down! My cholesterol is doing better. It's like the whole system is working. And I'm not depressed and I don’t hurt anymore. It's great!”

--Rebecca S.